CEF of Indiana, Inc., Northeast Chapter New 5-Day Club Host Volunteer Application and Screening Steps
Step 1: Gather all of the information you will need for the application. References information: Names, addresses, phone numbers and emails. One reference needs to be your pastor or a church leader, one needs to be a previous employer, and two personal references (not relatives); 4 references in all.
Step 2: Complete each of the following prior to completing the application: 1. View the 11-minute Protecting Today's Child presentation below or call 1-866-878-4182 to listen to the presentation.
2. Read the CEFChild Protection Policy. 3. Read the CEFWorker's Compliance Agreement. Step 3: Complete the Online Volunteer Application. **A few important notes before you begin the online application: a. The system will time-out after approximately 10 minutes of no activity. b. The application process must be completed in 30 minutes or less. c. If you experience problems with the driver's license fields, they may be skipped.